Healthy lifestyle leads to higher pregnancy rates

Healthy lifestyle leads to higher pregnancy rates

December 19, 2019
min read

In this day and age, maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. Unfortunately, infertility is more prevalent among obese couples. Both obesity and infertility cause psychological stress in couples. As fertility specialists, we routinely offer counseling on weight loss as part of our treatment plan. But can we do American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Scientific Congress, researchers from Utah presented their findings.

When obese, infertile couples were treated with intense lifestyle modifications, they were able to conceive sooner than the couples who had routine weight loss counseling. The intense treatment program included a low-calorie diet, exercise, weekly physician visits, and twice-weekly emotionally-focused counseling sessions for couples.The Dominion Fertility team has been treating patients with BMI above 30 for many years. We also encourage and help those couples who choose to improve their fertility outcomes by modifying their lifestyles.

Most of the time, advice alone is not enough. Dominion Fertility will work with you, a nutritionist, and a physical trainer to develop a plan specific to you. Achieving reproductive goals is a journey for most of our patients, and we are thrilled to help in any way we can.You may read more about the above scientific findings on the ASRM website.- Dr. Kay Waud

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