IVF After Tubal Ligation

IVF After Tubal Ligation

July 28, 2023
min read

Tubal ligation is a form of contraception for those who no longer want to have children. With tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut or tied off so that eggs can't be fertilized and then implant in the uterus, thus impregnating a woman.

The procedure is meant to be a permanent form of birth control. But what if you decide to start or grow your family after having had a tubal ligation? Is it still possible to get pregnant after having your tubes tied? In short, the answer is yes. Read on to learn about your options for conceiving after a tubal ligation.

Options for Getting Pregnant After You've Had Your Tubes Tied

Fortunately, there are a few different ways you may be able to get pregnant even after you've had your tubes tied.

Fertility Treatment

The term 'fertility treatment' pertains to various techniques that help couples and individuals achieve pregnancy. Fertility treatments include in vitro fertilization (IVF), semen analysis, and donor eggs, to name a few. Modern medicine offers many effective interventions for people struggling with fertility issues, as well as women who have had a tubal ligation procedure. The best fertility treatment will depend on your unique situation.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

woman doing IVF after tubal ligation getting an ultrasound

IVF is a safe and widely used fertility treatment. During IVF, eggs are retrieved from your ovaries. Then, they're fertilized in a lab to create embryos using sperm from a partner or a donor. The embryos are then transferred directly into the uterus using a thin tube, or catheter. This method bypasses the fallopian tubes, so it can be a good option to explore if you've undergone a tubal ligation.

Tubal Ligation Reversal

It's also possible to reverse a tubal ligation. Tubal ligation reversal surgery is possible in some cases, but there are limited surgeons willing to perform the operation, and they may be highly selective about the patients they will treat. If the fallopian tubes are reconnected, it does come with risk for ectopic pregnancy. Your chances of achieving pregnancy after tubal ligation can vary. Success rates depend on several factors, such as:

  • Age
  • The extent of the tubal ligation (how much of the fallopian tubes remain)
  • The type of tubal ligation you had
  • Other issues that affect your fertility, like endometriosis or irregular periods
  • Your partner's sperm health

Therefore, there are certain risks and limitations that can come with a tubal ligation reversal, and IVF is typically the best option for getting pregnant after tubal ligation. IVF is recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) as well as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

What Are the Success Rates of IVF After Tubal Ligation?

Many couples and individuals achieve pregnancy through IVF. But IVF success rates also depend on several factors, like your age, egg, and sperm quality, and whether you have any other reproductive health factors besides a history of tubal ligation.

Building Your Family with a Fertility Team's Help

Getting pregnant after having your tubes tied does come with some unique challenges. But it is possible with the help of a caring fertility specialist.

Trying to conceive is a journey that's different for everyone. There are financial costs to consider, as well as the emotional and physical demands of taking fertility medications and going through the treatment process. Whatever your situation, our compassionate, professional team at Dominion Fertility is here to support you and help you build the family you want.

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