Build your family with the help of a sperm donor
At Dominion Fertility, we understand the importance of making sure sperm donors are thoroughly screened and evaluated, so you can make an informed decision with confidence. When utilizing donor sperm, it’s important to work with a reputable commercial sperm bank that provides thorough screening of donors, acquires in-depth medical histories, and gathers personal information to help guide your donor choice.
Our team is here to help you through donor sperm process and answer any questions or concerns that you may have along the way.
Build Your Family With Donor Sperm
Are Sperm Donors Right For You?
Low Sperm Count
Couples in which the male partner has a very low sperm count (oligospermia) or no sperm at all (azoospermia)
Single Women
Sperm donation provides a safe and secure way for single mothers to build their family on their own timeline.
Lesbian Couples
Donor sperm is a great option for lesbian couples and other LGBTQ+ individuals or couples that don’t produce sperm. We are proud to be an LGBTQ+ friendly fertility clinic and are committed to providing safe and inclusive care.

Trusted Sperm Donors
There are many reputable commercial sperm banks that provide patients with a list of available donors and their characteristics. These sperm banks have rigorous protocols in place to ensure a safe experience.
Please confirm with your IVF Coordinator, which Sperm Bank you would like to use, to ensure we can accept sperm from them.
Using Sperm Donors
After a sperm donor is chosen and the donor and sperm sample have undergone all screening and testing, the frozen sperm is shipped to your physician’s office. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are two common assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures that can be used with donated sperm.
IUI with Donor Sperm
During an IUI, sperm from a donor is collected and washed, and then inserted into the uterus of the intended mother (or a gestational surrogate) using a thin, flexible catheter. The goal of this procedure is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
IUI is often used for couples with infertility caused by issues with the sperm, such as low sperm count or poor sperm motility. IUI with donor sperm is also a typical first treatment for lesbian couples or single mothers by choice.
IVF with Donor Sperm
During an IVF cycle, eggs are retrieved from the intended mother (or an egg donor) and fertilized with sperm from a donor in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus of the intended mother (or a gestational surrogate) with the goal of achieving a pregnancy. IVF is often used for couples with infertility caused by issues with the eggs, such as poor egg quality or low egg reserve.
Donor Sperm FAQ
We strongly recommend genetic carrier screening panel for all patients.If you decide to decline genetic carrier screening, you will need to sign a consent confirming this. In addition, you will need to select a sperm donor that has a negative genetic carrier screening (meaning negative for all disorders screened*).*Most sperm banks screen sperm donors for close to 300 disorders. It will depend on when the sperm donor’s samples were frozen.
If you agree to genetic carrier screening, we recommend waiting until we have results of the genetic carrier screening before selecting a sperm donor.
If you or the sperm donor you select are genetic carriers of one or more disorders, you must compare reports to ensure you are able to proceed. Comparing reports allows us to confirm that you and the sperm donor are not carriers of the same disease, as that could increase the chances of you having a child with that disease by 25%. In addition, testing panels for both egg provider and sperm donor need to include the disorders that you each are a carrier for, and since not all testing panels are the same, it’s extremely important to check results thoroughly. Your IVF Coordinator can help you with this process. This should be checked before sperm is purchased and shipped to our facility to ensure you are able to use that sperm donor.
All patients using anonymous donor sperm must be screened for immunity to CMV (cytomegalovirus). Most people have been exposed to CMV and therefore have antibodies indicating immunity. However, you will not know if you are immune unless you complete this blood test.
- If you have the antibodies (CMV positive), you can select donor sperm that is CMV positive or negative.
- If you do not have the antibodies (CMV negative), and are undergoing Intrauterine insemination (IUI), then you must select CMV negative sperm.
- If you do not have the antibodies (CMV negative), and are undergoing In Vitro Fertilization. IVF), CMV negative sperm is recommended, however if there is no acceptable CMV negative donor sperm available, then CMV positive sperm can be selected.
Do not purchase donor sperm unless you are aware of your lab results, you can contact the office for the results 3-7 days after labs have been drawn. *You will be provided with a lab order.
You are welcome to purchase sperm from any sperm bank you wish. Our preferred partners areSperm Donor Bank Partners.
- California Cryobank: 800-231-3373 www.cryobank.com
- Fairfax Cryobank: 800-338-8407 www.fairfaxcryobank.com
- Seattle Sperm Bank: 800-709-1223 www.seattlespermbank.com
Please confirm with your Coordinator which Sperm Bank you would like to use to ensure we can accept sperm from them