Please see below for a list of common terms used in fertility assessments and treatments and their definitions.
A group of fertility procedures involving the introduction of sperm into the female reproductive tract without intercourse.
The process of making a small hole in the shell (zona pellucida) surrounding the embryo prior to embryo transfer to promote its implantation in the uterus.
A variety of fertility procedures (including in vitro fertilization) that involve manipulating sperm and eggs to achieve pregnancy.
A stage in embryo development reached 5 days after fertilization.
Stimulation of the ovaries with fertility medications to help them grow and release multiple eggs.
The hormone producing ovarian cyst that forms from the follicle after it releases the egg.
Freezing of sperm, eggs or embryo so as to preserve them for use at a later date.
Measurement of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol on the second or third day of a regular menstrual cycle, which provides an assessment of the ovarian reserve.
The inability to respond appropriately to fertility medications, both in terms iof the number of follicles and the health of the eggs.
An extremely successful type of on vitro fertilization procedure using the eggs from a young woman and with the resulting embryo(s) transferred into the recipient.
A pregnancy located outside the uterine cavity, usually in the fallopian tube, though it can occur in the ovary or abdomen (rarely).
A minimally invasive procedure usually performed transvaginally under minimal sedation in which eggs are removed from the ovaries.
Embryo biopsy is used for patients needing PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic Testing For Monogenic Conditions) or PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing For Aneuploidies). Our embryologists are highly trained in the various techniques of embryo biopsy with high success rates.
The placement of embryos created via in vitro fertilization into the uterus or, more rarely, the fallopian tube.
A scientist involved in the fertilization and culture of human eggs and embryos.
A test that determines whether or not the patient’s uterus lining is receptive to her embryo.
A steroid hormone produced within the growing follicle that induces the growth of the endometrium.
The conduit that serves as an incubator following release and fertilization of the egg.
The process by which an egg and a sperm combine and create an embryo.
A protein hormone produced within the pituitary gland at the base of the brain that promotes the growth and development of follicles, leading eventually to ovulation.
Fluid filled structures within the ovary that contain an egg.
Placement of previously croypreserved embyros into the uterus or, more rarely, the fallopian tube.
Medication that initially causes the pituitary gland to release it.
Medication that quickly interferes with the production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, preventing premature ovulation during a treatment cycle.
Fertility medications containing follicle-stimulating hormone alone or in combination with luteinizing hormones that are used to induce follicle growth during fertility treatments.
An injectable medication that is used to prevent blood clot formation.
A placental hormone produced in pregnancy that is the basis for blood and urine pregnancy testing.
Obstruction of the fallopian tube at the fimbria, resulting in a fluid-filled and dilated tube.
An x-ray procedure during which a radio-opaque dye is injected into the uterine cavity to assess the fallopian tubes for patency, as well as the contour of the uterine cavity itself.
IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization and literally means “the fertilization of eggs with sperm in glass,” which translates to fertilization outside of the body in the laboratory. There are two types of IVF: (1) stimulated cycle IVF, and (2) Natural Cycle IVF (NCIVF).
"Infertility" refers to a health condition or situation defined by any one or more of the following criteria:
- The lack of capacity to accomplish a successful pregnancy, considering an individual's medical, sexual, and reproductive background, age, physical examinations, diagnostic tests, or a mix of these aspects.
- The requirement for medical assistance to achieve a successful pregnancy, which might involve the use of donor eggs or embryos, whether attempting to conceive solo or with a partner.
- For couples engaging in regular, unprotected sex without any identifiable reasons affecting either partner's ability to reproduce, it's advised to begin an assessment after 12 months if the woman is younger than 35 years, and after 6 months if the woman is 35 years or older.
The injection of a single sperm into a single egg in an attempt to fertilize the egg in in vitro fertilization cases when fertilization might not otherwise occur.
A fertility treatment in which the sperm are washed then placed within the uterine cavity.
An outpatient surgical procedure that uses a telescope and a video monitor to visualize the internal organs.
An outpatient surgical procedure that is performed through an open abdominal incision.
A stimulation protocol that involves suppression of the pituitary gland and ovary prior to initiating stimulation with fertility medications.
A pituitary hormone that induces ovulation in a mature follicle.
The last menstrual period that a woman ever experiences.
An early stage of embryonic development in which the embryo consists of a solid ball of cells; the morula is formed prior to the blastocyst.
An abnormally low concentration of sperm in a semen analysis.
Daily medications, usually containing both synthetic estrogen and progesterone, that act as very effective contraceptives by suppressing follicle growth and ovulation ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) – ovarian enlargement, abdominal fluid retention, and dehydration following the use of fertility medication to induce the growth of multiple follicles.
The fertility potential of a woman as determined by both the number of her ovarian follicles and the health of the eggs located within those follicles.
A female reproductive organ that contains eggs within multiple follicles and produces reproductive hormones including estrogen and progesterone.
The release of an egg from the ovarian follicle.
The use of fertility medications to restore normal ovulation in a woman who does not have regular cycles.
The years preceding the last menstrual cycle characterized by increasingly irregular cycles, hot flashes, and low estrogen levels.
Refers to the optimal timing of a patient’s embryo transfer to best suit her needs.
An organ located at the base of the brain.
A common gynecologic disorder resulting from insulin resistance and leading to irregular periods, acne, excessive facial hair, and infertility.
Evaluation of the genetic status of an embryo prior to its implantation, usually through the removal of 1 to 2 cells at the 8-cell stage of development. The isolated cells can then be analyzed for specific chromosomal conditions and other genetic disorders.
An evaluation that is similar to preimplantation genetic diagnosis but is used to test embryos in fertility patients for aneuploidy instead of a specific genetic disease.
Irregular or absent menstrual cycles before the age of 40 years old, resulting from a marked loss of ovarian flooicles as evidenced by a high blood level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH > 30 IU).
A steroid hormone produced by the ovary and then by the placenta during pregnancy. It is necessary for the successful implantation and development of an embryo.
A physician who specializes in disorders of reproduction, including infertility.
A laboratory test used to assess male infertility. It usually includes evaluation of the sperm volume , pH, concentration, motility and morphology in a sample.
Vitrification refers to a new technique of freezing embryos or eggs, whereby they are ‘flash frozen’ to absolute zero temperature to reduce the chance that embryos will suffer damage from ice crystal formation or “freezer burn”. This means that embryos now have a higher likelihood of surviving the freezing and thawing process, which results in higher pregnancy rates for frozen embryo transfer cycles.