How to Get Pregnant
If you’re wondering how you can improve your chances of becoming pregnant, we have a few general guidelines that will improve your health and your fertility.
Determine when you ovulate
Keep track of when you ovulate. Most drugstores sell kits that will help you determine when you are ovulating. Women are most fertile the six days prior to the day of ovulation, with the highest fertility rates the two days prior to the day of ovulation.
Maintain a healthy weight
Infertility has been found to be least common among women with a body mass index (BMI) between 20 to 24, with an ideal BMI of around 21. If your BMI is under these numbers, you might want to consider gaining a few pounds. Similarly, if your BMI is above these numbers, you might want to consider losing weight through diet and exercise.
Take time to exercise
Moderate exercise will guard against high blood sugar and insulin, as well as act as a natural stress reliever.
If you smoke, quit
When possible, avoid inhaling second hand smoke as well. Studies reveal that women who smoke are significantly more likely to be infertile and experience menopause earlier than women who do not smoke. Smoking has also been found to increase your risk of miscarriage and your risk for a number of other complications during pregnancy (for both you and your fetus).
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation
Some studies have found drinking to have detrimental effects on fertility while others have found that a glass of wine a day is helpful. We do know, however, that excessive drinking is not good for your overall health, and you want to be at your healthiest when you are attempting to conceive.
Make time for yourself
While there is no concrete scientific evidence linking stress to infertility, studies reveal that couples that report feeling happy and relaxed at the time of their treatment are more likely to have a positive outcome.
That’s why we suggest making time in your hectic schedule to do things that make you feel calm and centered. Whether you choose yoga, hiking, cooking or just settling down with a good book, make some time for yourself. It is a win-win situation!
If you still have trouble getting pregnant, seek advice from a medical professional
It’s a good idea to get tested if you are under the age of 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more, if you are over the age of 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months or more, or if your menstrual cycles are irregular.
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