Are Babies Born from IVF as Healthy as Other Children?
Are Babies Born from IVF as Healthy as Other Children?
Hi, this is Dr. Michael DiMattina, Medical Director at Dominion Fertility in Arlington, Virginia. Some more good news in the field of IVF! IVF has been around in the medical community since 1978, with the birth of Louise Brown in England. In the United States, the first IVF birth occurred in 1982. I have personally been performing IVF since 1984 and Dominion Fertility produces hundreds and hundreds of babies every year through the use of IVF.
Are these babies born from IVF as healthy? Are their motor, language, and cognitive development going to be similar to those children who are born through natural methods, without the use of IVF or any other assisted technology?” Well, the answer is yes.
When IVF first started, everyone’s concern was, “Are these babies going to be healthy? Are their motor, language, and cognitive development going to be similar to those children who are born through natural methods, without the use of IVF or any other assisted technology?” Well, the answer is yes. In fact, just this month in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a new article that compared children at two years of age that were born through IVF and other reproductive technologies to children of the same age who were born naturally, showed that the motor skills, cognitive development, and language skills in those babies who are conceived through infertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, or other treatments, were the same in development as those children who were born naturally and spontaneously. This is really good news! This supports the findings of many, many other studies throughout the world, that these babies are not second- class citizens, they are just as healthy as those who are conceived naturally and normally. This is a reassuring finding and I wanted to share that with all of our people who come to see us at Dominion Fertility, and those who don’t.
You can be assured that these technologies result in happy, healthy kids.
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